Knowing God
This is the current series we are on as a church
This is the current series we are on as a church
Darren Davis shares the focus Holy Spirit gave him for 2021, which is "The Glory of God" and shares how this is going to practically become a reality for our lives.
Darren Davis teaches on how the "Living Word of God" is implanted in the human heart as a seed and grows producing a sincere love for fellow believers.
Join Spencer Lawrence as he teaches on how God desires our weaknesses and strengths to be a canvas for His grace
Join Wilson Chuchu as he shares the importance of encountering the Holy Spirit who empowers our identity as sons and daughters of God and gives us a revelation of God's love poured into our hearts apart from our performance.
Darren Davis teaches on how to know God better through navigating the injustice of slander from your enemies by truly loving them.
Join Michelle Boss as she explores what it means to be "one" with Christ, who dwells in us, and encourages us to grow in intimacy with Him.
Join Grant as he teaches about how the privilege of knowing God is to become like God
Join Juan Alban as he discusses How God’s goodness is faithful through the battles.
Join Darren Davis as he brings a special Easter Message!
Join Darren Davis as he teaches on how to enter into the abundant resurrection life of Christ through coming into union with His suffering.
Join Andy Lehmann as her shares how, according to God's Word, you can thrive in your present moment...whatever it may look like.
Join Pwendy Fenelus as she explores the importance of being rooted in our identity as the Church so that we can continually love others.