Build The Wall
Join Darren Davis as he teaches on how the Holy Spirit is rebuilding us, so that we can be used to rebuild others.
Join Darren Davis as he teaches on how the Holy Spirit is rebuilding us, so that we can be used to rebuild others.
Join Darren Davis as he teaches on how the Holy Spirit is rebuilding us, so that we can be used to rebuild others.
Join Darren Davis as he teaches on God’s Kingdom realm that is present on the inside of you.
Join Darren Davis as he intro's the Fall 2022 launch of Harbour at Home and shares what authentic engagement among believers looks like and how each individual plays a key role in the process.
When it comes to fulfilling our calling in this in this life, we must approach it from a posture of both preparation and rest. Join Darren Davis as he illustrates Nehemiah’s journey to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem in just 52 days, after previous generations attempted to do the same for over 70 years.
Join Julie Stephens as she ties the symbolism found in Nehemiah’s story to the spiritual gift of encouragement. This message is an important reminder that in a worldly culture that looks to break people down, God invites us to “build others up” in the spheres of influence He’s placed us into.
We each have a specific purpose for why we have been put on this earth, but it is going to take others in our lives to help us achieve what God has called us to do. Join Darren Davis as he shares practical insights on the life of Nehemiah and how his favor with the King empowered him to rebuild the gates and walls of Jerusalem.